Thursday, February 18, 2010


feeling.....i wrote a poem, sad one...n my first poem......chk it out
He is gone to the unknown realm ,
far n way from this terriculous domain .....
left behind the lady in white.
his memories,broken sonnets,
full of miseries n sad twaddle of life,
to be written with surging rivulets,
streaming down her rugged face,
Male of turtle dove pair hath flown away,
in cold,pale reign of mortality,
leaving behind tolling of death knell,
resonating the blackened heart of his dona,
stratified with agony for the breach of promise,
dazzling bangles splinter in ineluctable tryst with destiny,
fate strangleholds n throttles her ,
as she is tender,
and she smothers in rarified air,
of ordeal against her by the laws of fortune
Black frosts of doom eclipses the ,
portentous red moon of goodwill on her forehead,
the bare claws of destiny scoffs contemptuously,
as it swipes the holy vermilion off her forehead,
the callous fangs,permeate through her skin,
inserting venom,blood vehemently seething,
against the triumph of fate in snatching her sustenance.
But alas,no turpeth to alleviate the pain,
left behind to lead this living death,
unending nightmare,
days with murky clouds,
nights with blackness,
end of last trace of hope,
to suffer this malediction of life.till eternity...

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