Thursday, February 18, 2010


My soldier you are gone,
to come back as hero of nation .....
in a coffin.......
you gave a tough time to enemies,
but what about tha the people you have left behind,
wake up to see the hail of mass,
"long live our martyr",
wake up to see the void,
which you have left never to be filled,
See your senile father stooped double with age,
shuffling for his stick,feeling searing pain,unable to temper
your loss with stoic acceptance,
still smiling through his pain ,
for the laurels and pride u brought,
Your mother is half dead,shocked ,traumatized,
clinching her priceless bit of mortal clay,
torrents of pain saturating her soul,
reminiscing the days ,
flipping pages of past,
Your sibling crying profusely
at the profound loss,scanning for the same flamboyance,
behind the scarred,bullet taken body,
and your love life....
dressed in grieving black,tormenting feelings,
dent of agony,tears rolling down speaking volume,
you were so readily available to her,
warming her,loving her,

but today seven feet away,inaccessible.....
Wake up my hero from this never ending sleep,
Wake up to shatter the darkness ,
all are enveloped in,
Wake up because your life is priceless......

1 comment:

  1. Hello yaar this is real amazing, well composed and says untold story from other side which is never heard.

    Cheer and looking for more

