Thursday, February 18, 2010


* I got editorial's choice award for this poem :)
The bells of triumph clangor,
the exuberant poignant trumpets resound in escalating rhapsody,
the exulted bugles in vainglory stand head held high
at the bequest of this aspired legacy,
by valiant predecessors,
the drums ricochet the vibrant plumage of jubilation in the realm of victory
the crowd cheers in throes of quivery emotions,waves of tremor,pulsating resonance heard in auscultation,
BUT mother lies,frazzled ,bewildered, at the inferno of bloody massacre,
she extemporizes twaddle for her dead sons,laments for massacre
as she buries them in her dark womb of mortality,
she sits in miasma of grief as she lights the corpse candle and in the stillness of enthralling peace pays floral tribute to her sons
BARRAGE of questions strike hot
when will hot hatred stop changing the serene valley into ashes of pensive autocalypse,
when will the vindictive avarice pause pitching fatal its fatal strike,
when will savageness stop engulfing thousands of life,when will avalanche be basked by son's rays
and not smothered with surging blood,
NO answer comes from her sons engrossed in pestilence,
while seeing assail rendered null and void,HATRED
scoffs in air of victory
and will forever for subliming time till immortality

WISH I WERE.........

if at all i were eyes.....
wish i cud the most beautiful pair,
ingratiating n captivating every heart,
coz i wud be embellished n adorned,
n intricately interlaced wid ur images ,
if at all i were a diamond......
wish cud be the most sparkling one,
having iridescence,beyond pragmatic limits,
coz i wud glint with the dazzle of
brilliance ur unparalleled blaze,
if at all i were a flower......
wish cud be most beautiful one,
having the deepest shade of crimson,
coz i wud be nourished by ur blood,
nurturing n conglomerating into
the most fascinating bloom on this earth,
if it all i were oyster,
wish cud be the most potent one,
losing virginity to alluring sands,
coz i hv ur softness n fertility,
to harness the unprecedentedly,
magnificent pearl any womb produce
if i were a bird,
wish cud be the most exuberant one,
kissing the visage of the sky,
blush creeps n azure cheek turn red,
because i soar high with wings of ur untamed desire,
seductively tantalizing every soul every heart.
if i were a stream,
wish cud be the purest of all,
quenching n uprooting thirst,
coz i wud hv ur purity,
to pacify every trace of guile n sin
serving mankind in an uncomprehending way,
if i were a star,
wish cud be the brightest of all,
fading away the slightest darkness,
lessening the treacherous somber expanse of the nite
because i have your streaks of glimmer,
to illuminate every dark corner
WISH I WERE.............


My soldier you are gone,
to come back as hero of nation .....
in a coffin.......
you gave a tough time to enemies,
but what about tha the people you have left behind,
wake up to see the hail of mass,
"long live our martyr",
wake up to see the void,
which you have left never to be filled,
See your senile father stooped double with age,
shuffling for his stick,feeling searing pain,unable to temper
your loss with stoic acceptance,
still smiling through his pain ,
for the laurels and pride u brought,
Your mother is half dead,shocked ,traumatized,
clinching her priceless bit of mortal clay,
torrents of pain saturating her soul,
reminiscing the days ,
flipping pages of past,
Your sibling crying profusely
at the profound loss,scanning for the same flamboyance,
behind the scarred,bullet taken body,
and your love life....
dressed in grieving black,tormenting feelings,
dent of agony,tears rolling down speaking volume,
you were so readily available to her,
warming her,loving her,

but today seven feet away,inaccessible.....
Wake up my hero from this never ending sleep,
Wake up to shatter the darkness ,
all are enveloped in,
Wake up because your life is priceless......


feeling.....i wrote a poem, sad one...n my first poem......chk it out
He is gone to the unknown realm ,
far n way from this terriculous domain .....
left behind the lady in white.
his memories,broken sonnets,
full of miseries n sad twaddle of life,
to be written with surging rivulets,
streaming down her rugged face,
Male of turtle dove pair hath flown away,
in cold,pale reign of mortality,
leaving behind tolling of death knell,
resonating the blackened heart of his dona,
stratified with agony for the breach of promise,
dazzling bangles splinter in ineluctable tryst with destiny,
fate strangleholds n throttles her ,
as she is tender,
and she smothers in rarified air,
of ordeal against her by the laws of fortune
Black frosts of doom eclipses the ,
portentous red moon of goodwill on her forehead,
the bare claws of destiny scoffs contemptuously,
as it swipes the holy vermilion off her forehead,
the callous fangs,permeate through her skin,
inserting venom,blood vehemently seething,
against the triumph of fate in snatching her sustenance.
But alas,no turpeth to alleviate the pain,
left behind to lead this living death,
unending nightmare,
days with murky clouds,
nights with blackness,
end of last trace of hope,
to suffer this malediction of life.till eternity...